All Categories Integrations Zapier Direct Mail Integration Overview

Zapier Direct Mail Integration Overview

Many marketers have approached us and asked if we could develop a Zapier direct mail integration using ChurchStamp's unique creation, printing, and tracking capabilities. Well, you asked and we’ve delivered!

Learn more on how you can set up “Zaps” in an instant to create custom integrations between ChurchStamp and over 1,000 different web applications.

Table of contents

  • Integrate With Over 3,000 Apps

  • What’s a Zap?

  • Zapier Direct Mail Integration With ChurchStamp

  • The ChurchStamp “Send and track a Postcard or Letter” Action

  • The ChurchStamp “New Campaign Event” Trigger

  • Zapier Direct Mail Integration Works With All ChurchStamp Plans

  • Want To Learn More About Zapier And ChurchStamp?

Integrate With Over 3,000 Apps

Zapier is a spectacularly easy-to-use online integration platform, with over 3,000 different applications that participate to enable non-technical users to perform everything from simple tasks (add a new row to a Google Sheet when someone responds to your direct mail) to multiple-step, complex workflows (When a CRM status changes, Trigger a ChurchStamp postcard to be sent, wait 5 days, then send a follow-up email, etc).

The platform has taken what in the past has been the domain of technical folks (API integrations) and simplified it to the point where a reasonably savvy business user can set up “Zaps” in a few minutes.

What’s a Zap?

A Zap is a Zapier term for automation that has tied together 2 or more web applications. Zaps can be constructed in many different ways to accomplish an amazing number of tasks. For the ChurchStamp Zapier integration, we’ll be focused on a “Trigger” and “Action” coming together to form a Zap.

Zapier Direct Mail Integration With ChurchStamp

ChurchStamp has created 2 entries in the Zapier platform:

  • An “Action” that sends a postcard or letter when “Triggered” by another Zapier app

  • A “Trigger” that uses ChurchStamp delivery and response “events” or statuses to create an “Action” in another Zapier app

**Note – you’ll need to set up a Triggered Drip Campaign in ChurchStamp before setting up your Zapier mapping**

The ChurchStamp “Send and track a Postcard or Letter” Action

This Zapier Action uses a ChurchStamp Triggered Drip Campaign to send out an individual piece of mail (postcard or letter) when “Triggered” by another application.

Dozens of CRM, Marketing Automation, Email Marketing, and e-Commerce tools in Zapier can easily trigger ChurchStamp to send personalized and tracked direct mail.

See the “Set up Send Direct Mail Zapier Action” help doc for more information.

The ChurchStamp “New Campaign Event” Trigger

The ChurchStamp New Campaign Event Trigger uses the direct mail tracking technology built into ChurchStamp to initiate an action in another application.

These statuses or “events” are from the USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode system “In Transit, In Local Area, etc.”, as well as from the ChurchStamp online response tracking “pURL visited, Goal Completed”.

The New Campaign Event Trigger can record the statuses in Google Sheets, CRM, or other tools, which can then trigger other actions.

See the “Use ChurchStamp Status Codes Via Zapier” help doc for more information.

Zapier Direct Mail Integration Works With All ChurchStamp Plans

Either of these can be used in any ChurchStamp plan (Free, Marketer, or Pro) to tie together ChurchStamp with another app that you use.

You’ll need a Zapier account (they have a free trial) and a ChurchStamp Campaign set up to proceed.

The days of manually transferring information between applications are over!

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