There are some important things to understand prior to importing your file into ChurchStamp.
ChurchStamp Required Fields
When you import an Excel or .CSV list into ChurchStamp, we’ll check each record to make sure that it has the minimum required fields for proper mailing. If a contact does not have the required fields, we’ll import it anyway, but it will be labeled “Invalid” and cannot be mailed to until it is fixed.
Required Name Fields
First Name (20 characters, alphanumeric) and Last Name (20 characters, alphanumeric) AND/OR
Company (40 characters, alpha numeric)
You may have either First Name and Last Name or Company Name or both. They will be printed on two separate lines above the rest of the address and will look something like this:
Required Address Fields – US
Address (64 characters, alphanumeric)
City (200 characters, alphanumeric)
State/Providence (for US addresses either the 2-letter state short-name code “MA” or valid full state name “Massachusetts”)
Zip code/Postal Code (for US addresses either the 5 digit numeric “02370” or 5 dashes 4 digits numeric “02370-1234”), (for Canadian addresses the 6-digit alphanumeric “K0K 4T5”)
You may also include an Address 2 field on records that require it (64 characters, alphanumeric). Use this field for things such as apartment number, suite number, etc.
Personalization And Other Common Fields
You can also map in common contact info such as email address, phone number, occupation/job title as well as up to 6 user-defined fields (we call them Variable Data fields). These fields are not used in the address part of the mailer but can easily be inserted into the creative.
At the current time, ChurchStamp can only mail to U.S. addresses.
File Format
The file you upload needs to be a .CSV (comma delimited) file or a Microsoft® Excel file. When formatting your file, the following is VERY IMPORTANT:
All data should be contained in one sheet
All columns must have a “header” or title in the first row. Headers should be alpha/numeric – no spaces, no blank columns (delete them!)
No hidden columns or rows – here’s how to delete them:
Do not use special characters – letters and numbers only
Do not “Wrap Text” – make sure Wrap Text is unchecked for the entire sheet
All data should be in text format – without formulas or formatting. Here’s how to clear formatting or comments: